Specialising in Gut Health, GAPS Diet Support and Fertility Nutrition
My name is Catherine Garney. I am a Registered Clinical Nutritionist (RCN), Fertility Nutritionist, and Certified GAPS Practitioner (CGP).
I am based in Tauranga, New Zealand. My areas of specialisation are gut health, GAPS diet support, and fertility nutrition. I consult with clients in my clinic in Tauranga or online via Zoom across New Zealand, Australia, and the UK.

Gut and Allergy Clinic
Hippocrates once said, ' All diseases begin in the gut' and it is only now that we are realising how true this really is. We can link poor gut health to most health issues. In my clinic, we focus on addressing gut and digestive symptoms by using food and supplements to improve digestion, eliminating pathogens (e.g. parasites, candida, helicobacter pylori) healing the gut, and investigating food intolerances that can cause inflammation.
As well as discussing your symptoms, health history, diet, and lifestyle at great length I will also complete some clinical assessments to check for some signs of imbalances, organ stress, and nutritional deficiencies which may be affecting your health, These may include iridology, sclerology, nail, tongue and facial analysis, blood pressure, adrenal stress tests, muscle testing, and mineral deficiency tests. Additional pathology and functional tests such as blood tests, allergy tests, stool tests, DUTCH Hormone tests and Hair Mineral Trace Analysis (HTMA) can be ordered for you on request to further investigate your case. There is an additional charge for this.​
At the end of each consultation, you will receive a personalised treatment plan of recommendations, which may include dietary advice, lifestyle tips, appropriate supplements, homeopathy, and homeobotanicals. You will also receive meal plans, handouts, and recipes that will help you on your journey back to optimal health.​
Why not take advantage of my FREE 15-minute online consultation. This is a great chance for us to have a chat about what I do and what your health goals are to see if booking in with me is the right choice for you.

Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS)
​The GAPS diet is a diet that focuses on healing the integrity of the gut, repopulating the gut with beneficial bacteria, and eliminating toxins.
This is achieved by consuming GAPS-approved foods that nourish and heal the gut and eliminating all foods that cause irritation and inflammation. As well as this, the diet creates a healthy gut flora by repopulating the gut with beneficial bacteria using appropriate fermented foods, probiotics supplements, and eliminating foods that feed opportunist bacteria. The nourishing foods on the diet help to reduce toxic load and support our natural ability to eliminate toxins more effectively.
​Catherine undertook training in 2015 with Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride to become a Certified GAPS Practitioner. Since then, she has supported many adults and children with a wide range of complex health issues through the diet.

It can be overwhelming and confusing starting a gluten-free diet and many people are left wondering what they can eat. I have been gluten-free for 20 years and my young son has been gluten-free for 10 years, so I understand the challenges of adapting the family to a healthy a gluten-free diet without blowing the budget.This FREE downloadable PDF contains help and guidance to get you started on a Gluten-Free Diet. It includes:
What is gluten and where is it found (foods, drinks, additives, and other sources)
Instructions on how to modify your diet to a healthy gluten-free approach
Step-by-step guidance on how to adapt breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks, and snacks
How to eat out when gluten-free and what to do if you are accidentally `glutened'
How to read food labels for those hidden sources of gluten
Fertility Nutrition
So many areas can impact fertility (e.g hormone imbalances, inflammation, autoimmune diseases, nutritional deficiencies, thyroid issues, gut health, folic acid metabolism, and allergies to name a few) and these are areas that are often not investigated by GPs and fertility clinics. In my clinic, I do a holistic fertility fitness check to try and identify the root cause of what may be causing the fertility issue and offer a treatment plan of nourishing foods and essential supplements that are going to create a healthy environment for conception.
For further information visit Fertility Nutrition:

Catherine and I have been working together for 6 months now, to solve my long-standing problems with digestion. At first I was both too tired and too weak to have any kind of enjoyable life. Now I am active, slimmer and have excellent levels of energy, all thanks to Catherine’s guidance. Catherine is well-qualified as a nutritionist and has over 10 years experience in her field. She is really open to discussion and questions. Most importantly for me is that she is flexible in her approach – on occasions when some change in my diet didn’t seem to be working well she had no problems about listening to my comments and then just saying “let’s do this then….”.
. I can now say that I recommend Catherine as a health practitioner without reservation. If you need help, you cannot do better than to give her a call.
Kathleen J, Tauranga